Alcohol, drugs and solvent misuse at work policy

If you, or a colleague, have a problem with drugs or alcohol we want to support you in getting help.

Is this for you?

It’s for all employees.

Key points

  • This policy is designed to encourage employees with a drink or drug problem to get help. We will, whenever possible, guarantee that issues will be dealt with confidentially. 
  • It also describes some of the symptoms or behaviours that might indicate someone has an issue. 
  • We will try to offer every assistance to employees with a problem that comes to light through observation or due to performance concerns.
  • We encourage any employee who feels they may have a problem to voluntarily see help through their line manager or Assistant Director, People.

Your responsibilities

Managers are responsible for:

  • setting a good example to their employees
  • making sure they are familiar with policy and procedures 
  • making sure their employees understand the policy and their own responsibilities  
  • being alert to and to monitor changes in work performance, attendance, sickness and accident patterns
  • taking an objective and non-judgemental approach when counselling or interviewing employees  
  • referring employees for assistance when appropriate 
  • identifying any aspects of the working environments which could lead to substance abuse problems, and if possible, changing them  
  • intervening early where there are signs of problems 

Local people teams are responsible for:

  • implementing the policy and supporting managers in implementing the policy
  • the day-to-day co-ordination of the policy
  • referring employees for assistance
  • advising on the appropriateness or otherwise of the disciplinary procedure and  ensuring that personnel statistics are kept on absence and sickness levels and analysed periodically 
  • helping plan and take part in providing training on substance abuse and the organisation's policy when appropriate
  • following the principles set out in this guide and ensuring they are followed by other employees  
  • increasing understanding among employees about substance abuse and the concepts of safe and sensible drinking  
  • informing employees of the existence and operation of the substance abuse policy  

All employees are responsible for:

  • understanding the implications of substance abuse and the social, health and employment effects  
  • avoiding covering up or colluding with colleagues.  
  • urging colleagues to seek help if they have problems arising from substance abuse  
  • seeking help where they themselves have problems from substance abuse
  • making sure they are familiar with the policy and procedures  
  • using alcohol responsibly, and avoiding the use of illegal drugs    
31 January 2019
Latest update
12 July 2023
  1. Updated policy August 2022
  2. Updated policy August 2022
  3. Updated policy August 2022