Our annual report includes a breakdown of the money coming in and going out of the charity in the last financial year. It also outlines the progress we've made in changing childhoods during this period.  

See here for our previous annual reports

This Impact Report demonstrates the power of our data and insights. Recording, monitoring, and analysing the impact of our work is a key foundation of our Strategy, and reports like these can help us to build on those foundations to enable us to do even more in the future.

If you need to use our annual report or impact figures in your work, slides featuring stats from the report are available to use. Download the impact figures presentation here or at the bottom of this page.

Pie chart representing a breakdown of income for 2022-23

How we're funded

We work hard to generate income to invest in our vital work changing children’s lives for the better. We are so grateful to everyone who contributes to raising funds for our charity.  

In the financial year of 2022-23 our total income was £315.3 million. £184.5 million of this came from fees and grants we receive from our partners for our commissioned charitable activities. We work with partners in national and local government and the NHS to deliver vital services for children like our services, schools, nurseries and adoption services. 

The rest of our money comes from the generous donations and money raised by the public, money made from our local stores and online shop and money from investments, property development and other sources. 

This means that in 2022/23 for every £1 of income we received, approximately: 

  • 59p came from grants and fees from partners for charitable activities (commissioned work)
  • 28p came from trading, including from our local stores and online shop 
  • 12p came from donations, including gifts and wills 
  • 1p came from investments and property 

How our supporters helped us 

40% of our income comes directly from our supporters. Without their generous donations, fundraising or purchases at our local stores and online shop we wouldn’t be able to continue our work.

To all our supporters – thank you from all of us at Barnardo’s.

Every gift we receive makes a difference. It transforms lives of the children and young people who need us the most. 

Fundraised income  

We raised £39.5 million through fundraising, donations and gifts in wills, an increase of £2.3m compared with the year before. 

£12.7m was donated directly by supporters of Barnardo’s in 2022/23 to help make a difference to children and young people’s lives. 

We also ran several fundraising events, where supporters take part in activities to raise money for Barnardo's. 

Some highlights for us this year: 

  • the London Marathon which saw 110 runners raising £345,846 as part of Team Barnardo’s. 
  • in June over 37,000 under 5s took on the Big Toddle raising an outstanding £160k 

Every penny raised makes a huge difference to children and young people’s lives. Find out how you can get involved

Retail income 

Our retail and trading had a strong year in 2022-23. Our income was £87.9m, compared to £77.8m the previous year. 

  • we opened four new superstores in Swansea, Sutton Coldfield, Scunthorpe & York, making a total of seven across the UK 
  • we increased our e-commerce sales to £3.4m and expanded our online shop 
  • we increased new goods sales reaching £7.9m 

Every purchase made in our stores helps fund vital projects which support children and families across the UK.

Pie chart representing a breakdown of expenditure 2022-23

How we spend our funds 

In 2022/23 we spent £227 million on charitable activities, while fundraising and other costs (excluding trading) totalled £14.1million.

We spent £71.2 million on retail costs, £13.9 million was spent on generating more funds for the charity, and £0.2 million was spent on other costs, such as investment manager costs. 

Excluding retail costs, this means that out of every £1 we spent approximately: 

  • 94p went on working with the children and young people who need our help the most
  • less than 1p on investment management costs 
  • the remaining amount – just over 5p - on raising the next £1 

Why we use 94p and how it's calculated

We calculate this 94p figure by working out the percentage of money that we spend on working with children and young people. We do not include costs relating to our retail stores in this figure.

Sales from our retail stores and online shop allows us to have more funds to spend on children and young people. If we include our expenditure on trading then 73p in every pound we spend goes to our work with children and young people. We believe using the 94p figure and removing costs spent on retail helps our supporters to see the impact of their donations, and allows them to compare us to other charities who do not have retail shops. 

Our impact

Read more about our work and the impact we've made for children and young people across the UK.

Diversity pay gap reports

Publishing gender pay gap information allows us not only to learn from our own data, but to share best practice with other charities and organisations.

Ways to get involved

Find out about how you can support us through volunteering, donations, fundraising and campaigning.