Our brand on messy background

Our brand

All the tools, templates and info you need to use our brand

Our brand is more than just a logo - it's what makes us memorable to our audiences, and it stands for who we are and what we do.  

Alongside our Strategy for 2024-2027, our brand helps us to reach new parts of the Barnardo’s community, including younger and more diverse audiences, and it gives us an exciting, fresh and modern look, sound and feel. 

Find out more about our brand, how we developed it, and how you can use it in your work. 

Brand page icon

How to use our brand

Help bring our brand to life; from guidelines and templates to working with our Creative team.

Branded icons and shapes

About our brand

Find out more about how we developed our brand, how it's evolved over the years, and why it's important.

More information