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General Election

All you need to know about Barnardo’s and the UK General Election campaign

There is going to be a UK General Election on 4 July 2024. 

As a charity, while we engage with a variety of politicians, Barnardo’s is independent from all political parties and we must appear to be independent too. 

Below are all the important things you need to know to help us remain independent and continue to be an advocate for our children and young people.  

Read our General Election Manifesto 

As we approach the next General Election, there is a very real opportunity for political parties to commit to a step-change for the nation’s children and young people. In our manifesto, we set out our recommendations for how the next UK Government can change childhoods and change lives. 

Read the Manifesto

Manifesto at a glance

Read our Advocacy & Campaigning Policy 

 As part of our three-year Strategy, we’re committed to influencing the big decisions and changing public attitudes to help drive lasting, transformative change for generations of children. Any advocacy and campaigning that we do will always be in line with our charitable objects, our regulatory requirements, and our agreed priorities.  

Read our new Policy to understand our approach to advocacy and campaigning, how we’re preparing for the General Election, and our framework for decision making.  

Advocacy and Campaigning Policy

Read our Social Media Policy and guidance 

 Social media is a vital tool for communicating with the Barnardo’s community, but it’s important we use it safely and effectively and that we remain independent across all our Barnardo’s and personal social media accounts. 

Support young people who want to vote

If you work with young people who want to know more about the Government and the General Election, and who may be first-time voters, here are some trusted sources you can share with them: 

More information 

If you want to learn more about what charities can do during a General Election, please visit the Government website

If you are involved in any engagement with politicians, please contact the Policy and Public Affairs team:  

If you have any questions about what we say publicly, including on our social media channels, please contact Claire Rushforth, Head of External Communications: