Young boy in front of a brick wall


We all share responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk.

Safeguarding is a vital part of our work, so much so that it is part of everyone's contract of employment. In this section you can find out more about our policies and procedures and get information and guidance on how to report or respond to incidents. You can also access all our safeguarding forms.


Safeguarding Children (Children’s Services and Non-Children’s Services)

View information for all children’s services employees, foster carer's and adoptive carer's about your role, responsibility and expectations to ensure that children are protected from harm.

Safeguarding adults at risk

Find out how children’s services and corporate departments employees and volunteers respond to any safeguarding concerns regarding adults at risk.

Safeguarding Colleagues, Volunteers and Foster Carers

View information for all employees, volunteers and foster carers across Barnardo's on our Safeguarding policy and procedures. 

Forms and reporting 

Serious incidents form

When to use the serious safeguarding incident form

Colleague/ Volunteer/ Foster Carer Safeguarding Incident Form

How to record situations where someone is impacted by a situation or incident


Guidelines and form to responding to safeguarding allegations. 

Death of a service user

How to report the death of a service user.

Notification reporting - external 

How to notify when an external safeguarding review has been started.

Contact Richard Simpson