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Authorisation Policy

Our approach for employees and trustees who enter contracts, commit to expenditure and authorise invoices.

What do we mean by Authorisation? 

Trustees and employees are authorised to enter into legal contracts, make payments (e.g. through the creation of a purchase order) or deliver services and authorise invoices on behalf of Barnardo’s and its additional companies.

Our Authorisation Policy sets out the spending limits up to which Trustees and employees can enter into arrangements and the levels of approval or authorisation required.

Is this for you? 

This Policy and procedure is to all Trustees, employees, agency workers, contractors, volunteers and partners of Barnardo’s. Contractors and temporary staff may only commit and / or authorise expenditure if a Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) member has provided delegated authority in writing. 

Key points 

  • Barnardo’s enters into contracts both to deliver services (as a service provider) as well as to purchase goods and services (as a purchaser or commissioner).
  • This Policy applies to both forms of contracts. In addition, Procurement policies and rules cover all aspects of purchasing and must be followed.
  • Bank transfers, authorising multiple payments such as payroll or supplier payments as part of the financial processing are outside the scope of this policy.
  • The policy also covers authorisations and limits for: stock write offs, the purchase and sale of land, and matters of litigation. 

Your responsibilities

All Managers are directly responsible for implementing the Authorisation Policy within their operational areas and for all staff they line manage. It is the responsibility of all relevant staff, agency workers, contractors and volunteers, as applicable, to comply with this Policy and engage in any relevant training at appropriate intervals.

Changes to authorisation limits up to £1 million may be approved by the Corporate Leadership Team. Revisions to all limits in excess of £1 million must be approved by the Board of Trustees.