Completing the annual driving licence audit

How to fulfil the annual requirement for authorised drivers.

Every year we conduct a driving licence audit for all authorised drivers who are registered on Barnardo’s insurance either to drive a Barnardo’s vehicle or hire vehicles on behalf of Barnardo’s business.

For Retail, this is conducted around January and February and for all other drivers, on the annual anniversary of their registration. The Corporate Transport Team will email a reminder four weeks before your audit is due.

To complete the audit, send the following documents to the Corporate Transport Team

  • DVLA licence summary (excludes NI – see below)
  • a copy of your driving licence photocard (only when renewed)

You will need to attach a licence summary to you approval form. You can get a summary from the DVLA website.

If you are in Northern Ireland you will need to provide your paper counterpart instead. 

Contact Corporate Transport Team