Records management, retention and disposal policy

How we manage our records.

Is this for you? 

It's for all employees and volunteers. It also applies to third parties processing personal data on our behalf. 

Key points

The Records Management Policy covers the management of all information and data throughout its creation, use and destruction and in all forms, such as paper, electronic or other media.

We classify data in three ways: 

What is it? Examples are...
Unrestricted Any information that could reasonably be made available to the general public. Annual Reports, advertising material, brochures and internet site information.
Confidential information
  • Anything that may be considered to be 'Confidential to Barnardo's.
  • Any information that relates to an individual and, hence, may be covered by the DPA. 
  • Information about our internal business processes that enable us to retain a position as a trusted service.
  • Any information that if released, could put individuals or Barnardo's reputation at risk.
Staff directory, business plans, financial information, personnel files, intellectual property. Client information including sponsor and donor information. Any commercial correspondence between Barnardo's and third parties.
Restricted information
  • Detailed information which relates to the commercial and operational strategy of our business.
  • Any information that relates to an individual's sensitive personal data, and hence, may be covered by the DPA.
Details of employee disciplinary hearings, company commercial forecasts, board strategy documents, IT system technical information, operational security details, and highly sensitive client, donor and sponsor information.

We retain data to comply with legislation and best practice, to support day-to-day activities and planning and tell the story of our activities over time. 

The Children’s Services and Business Lines Procedure is concerned with the retention, archiving and deletion of records containing information about service users, foster carers, adopters and supported lodgings providers in Children’s Services Operations, Development and Innovation and Business Lines. It applies to electronic and hard copy records and includes photographs and audio and video recordings. 

The Barnardo’s Records Retention Schedule sets out how long records containing personal data must be retained for and the process for deletion and archiving. 

Your responsibilities 

  • To retain records in accordance with our records retention schedule 
  • Securely dispose of or destroy official or sensitive records at the end of their retention period 
  • Dispose of electronic equipment in accordance with the IS code of practice 
  • Find out more by looking through our records management guidance
1 April 2019
Latest update
4 April 2019
  1. New policy
  2. New policy