Providing medical and personal care policy

Is this for you?

It’s for employees, agency workers, approved carers and volunteers who deliver distribute medication or deliver invasive clinical procedures, personal and intimate care and therapeutic massage.

Key points

  • This policy covers the care and treatment of children and young people up to the age of 25.
  • This document includes policy statements for prescribing and distributing medication, delivering intimate and personal care, providing therapeutic massage and undertaking invasive clinical procedures.
  • It explains where the policy overlaps or sits alongside other policies, such as those from government or the NHS
  • The policy includes a list of definitions for key terms like ‘personal care’ and ‘invasive clinical procedures’.
  • There is information about the training that people delivering this type of care should take.

Your responsibilties

  • Barnardo’s Insurance Manager – person who must be consulted if a service wishes to give any health intervention not permitted and included in the Health Policy
  • Corporate Safety Adviser – person who may be able to give initial advice on the Health Policy and who will refer to Business Support Officer
  • Business Support Unit – provides advice on this policy and is point of liaison with RCN adviser                                                   
  • Director Responsible for signing off service health protocol where this has been completed by the responsible Assistant Director or equivalent
  • Responsible AD or equivalent - Responsible for signing off service health protocol (template), risk assessments and agreeing, after consultation, that a procedure not covered in this policy can be given by a member of Barnardo’s staff or other personnel                                         
  • Responsible Manager – person responsible for completing service health protocol (template), for ensuring appropriate training and supervision of Barnardo’s personnel giving a health procedure and for ensuring the service is responsive to service user health matters
  • Barnardo’s personnel (unregistered health and non-health qualified carers) Responsible for administering permitted health procedures after training, for reporting requests for interventions, for reporting incidents associated with administration and for recording procedures including administration of medication
  • Prescriber qualified medical practitioner or qualified dentist or a qualified nurse (medication – only nurses who have completed the required training as a non-medical prescriber can prescribe).
31 January 2019
Latest update
31 January 2019
  1. First published