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VIP (Values in Practice) Awards

Awards to celebrate our colleagues

The VIP Awards are open for nominations! Submit a nomination now.

These awards recognise individual colleagues, volunteers and teams who demonstrate our values in action, live our behaviours and make a true difference to Barnardo’s. 

Congratulations to our most recent VIP Award winners: Yunus Bham, Jackie Pitans, and colleagues from our Children's Services teams in Plymouth.


For our most recent round of the Awards, we received over 230 nominations.

Congratulations to our Spring 2024 winners

  • Yunus Bham, Senior Manager of Partnership Development, winner of our colleague VIP Award Spring 2024
  • Jackie Pitans, volunteer in our Swansea, Cadle store, winner of our volunteer VIP Award Spring 2024.
  • Tracy Tucker, Kathryn Hussey, Tracy Taylor, Laura Delamar, Laura Sharpe, Kimberley Daw, Mary-Anne Azzopardi, Gemma Campbell, Victoria Charles, Maria Palapanou, Angel Reeves, Linda James, Kate Lainchbury, India Rolt, Sharon Roach, Dawn Godfrey, Jessica Kayes, Charlotte Rundle-Jones, Michelle Thornton, Mandy Soutar, Sam Howard, Sam Grace, Kerrie Russell, Rocky Williams, Amy Trethewey, Katie Tye, Sophie Bridgeman, Kelly Ahern, Katie Cuer, Gemma MacFayden and Shannon Tweedie from our Children's Services teams in Plymouth, winners of the CEO Exceptional Service Award March 2024.

Lynn Perry has recorded a short video message to recognise and celebrate their hard work and contribution to Barnardo's.

Previous Winners

Summer 2023 

  • Cariad Downer, Therapist at our Isle of Wight Frankie Counselling Service, winner of our colleague VIP Award
  • Zubair Ahmad, Senior Data Analyst in Data and Insights, highly commended for our colleague VIP Award
  • Sheila Clayton, Volunteer Group Helper at our Warwick District Children and Family Centres, winner of our volunteer VIP Award
  • All our volunteers at our Isle of Wight Early Help Service, highly commended for our volunteer VIP Award

Spring 2023 

  • Jo Ritchie, BASE Bristol, winner of our colleague VIP Award

Autumn 2022 

  • Charmain Garrard, Barnardo’s Community Early Help Worker, Southeast Hampshire and Isle of Wight, winner of our colleague VIP Award
  • Kim Jovanovic, Training Facilitator, Triangles Care Journeys, winner of our colleague VIP Award
  • Marie Williams, Regional Manager, Retail Region B, winner of our colleague VIP Award


The VIP Awards are open for nominations! Submit a nomination now.

At the start of each awards period, nominations open for six weeks. This is a chance to say thank you and celebrate the achievements of those you work with. You can nominate any Barnardo’s colleague and/or volunteer (individual or team) in three simple steps:

  1. Tell the action 
  2. Connect to one of our values and/or behaviours 
  3. Explain their impact 

Our Corporate Leadership Team will review all submissions with an overall winner chosen by our CEO, Lynn Perry.  

General Guidance

Read our FAQs for more information.

Guidance for Volunteer Nominations

See our guidance on how a volunteer might demonstrate our values in action.

See an example volunteer nomination.


We want to recognise your outstanding contributions in a meaningful way and so, you'll receive an amazing experience day gift card where you can choose anything from a river cruise to spa days or a football stadium tour to a cookery school course. The choice is yours! Individual winners will receive a voucher worth £150 and team winners will receive a voucher worth up to £500.