Positive Intervention policy

Is this for you? 

Positive intervention strategies are used by staff and volunteers to support behaviour changes, in children, young people, and vulnerable adults

Key points

  • The purpose of the policy is to provide clear guidance for staff and volunteers to effectively support children, young people, and vulnerable adults, with strategies designed to help promote positive interventions
  • Positive Intervention strategies and techniques, aim to enhance the quality of life as both an intervention and outcome for people who display behaviour that challenges, and those who support them.
  • Commissioners and Regulatory bodies may refer to this policy as ‘Behaviour Management’ and whilst this policy incorporates all standards required by these bodies, Barnardo’s refers to this using the term Positive Intervention
  • Positive Intervention is good practice and should underpin all work with children, young people and vulnerable adults.

Your responsibilities

Region/Nation/Commercial Directors/Heads of Business:

  • To ensure that the Positive Intervention Policy is implemented
  • To ensure that any issues arising from the use of restraint identified by the Assistant Directors Children’s Services/Assistant Heads of Business/Heads of Operations Units are addressed.

Assistant Directors Children’s Services/Assistant Heads of Business/Head of Operations:

  • To ensure that Positive Intervention Plans are in place for all services and that these are relevant to the service being delivered and are of sufficient quality to safeguard children, young people, vulnerable adults, staff, volunteer’s and the general public.
  • To maintain an overview of the use of Restrictive Physical Intervention by services, ensuring that practice is reviewed where necessary and any learning is implemented.

Service Managers:

  • To ensure that Positive Interventions are implemented within the service and that staff, carers and volunteers understand their responsibilities and receive the relevant training necessary to effectively undertake their role.
  • To ensure that a Positive Intervention Support Plan that meets the needs of the service users, and includes any requirements set by the regulatory bodies or commissioners, is in place and reviewed at least annually.
  • To ensure that Individual Support Plans are in place where required and that these are continually updates and reviewed where necessary.
  • To monitor and review the use of Restrictive Physical Interventions where this is employed and to learn from its use to improve the care of children, young people and vulnerable adults.

All staff, carers, and volunteers:

  • To operate within the requirements of the Positive Intervention Policy, the Service Positive Intervention Support Plan and any relevant Individual Support Plans.
  • To report to the line manager any serious matters, including injuries that result from the behaviour of people accessing the service, and to feedback on the use of Restrictive Physical Interventions.
5 May 2022
Latest update
9 September 2022
  1. Publishing new Positive Interventions policy
  2. Publishing new Positive Interventions policy
  3. Publishing new Positive Interventions policy