Storing confidential documents in Content Server

How to ensure confidential documents are only accessible to users with the appropriate permissions.

A red folder indicates a confidential area. 

Some confidential folders in service areas will not be coloured red, but they will always have the word 'confidential' in their name.

To identify the owner group for a confidential folder in a service area, see the Requesting access section on the Teams and workgroups page.

A typical team folder

Most team folders on Content Server are not themselves confidential, but will often contain a confidential folder, e.g.

Anything stored in any normal (yellow) folders in this team area will be visible to everyone with access to Content Server, but only editable by team/workgroup members. Anything stored in the confidential (red) folder, or any of its subfolders, will only be visible to the team/workgroup members.

Note: To find out who the team members are that have full access to this team area, click the link below the team folder name (in the text starting "The owner-group for this area is...").

A confidential folder may contain subfolders that are yellow, but because they are inside a confidential area, their contents will also be restricted in the same way (invisible to people not in the team/workgroup), e.g

A confidential team folder

A few team folders on Content Server are fully confidential, which is indicated with a red team folder, e.g.

Only team/workgroup members will be able to see this type of team folder, and all of the contents will be similarly restricted.

Further information about confidentiality

Changing the folder icon yourself will not change the folder status. Only Information Services can change folder status and group names. To requests changes such as this, go to FirstPoint and select Log Ticket Service Request Other Request.

When moving documents, make sure the resulting permissions are correct by moving them via your personal workspace. For details, see this short video demonstration of Moving items using your personal workspace.

You must report all data protection breaches and near misses to your local data protection manager (DPM. If your DPM is not available or you have any questions, email

When you search in Content Server, you will only see results that your permissions allow you to see. So, if you search a location with a confidential folder, you will only see any content from that folder if you are a member of the team/workgroup with access to the folder.

Some team areas will not have any confidential folders. In that case all the contents of the team area are visible to all Content Server users, but still only editable by the team/workgroup members.