Research and Evaluation Support and Guidance

Supporting you with your research and evaluation needs.

Barnardo’s Research and Evaluation (R&E) Team provide expert research and evaluation support and guidance.

What is meant by research and evaluation?

Research is defined as a systematic process of gathering and analysing information/data to discover new knowledge and extend existing knowledge.

Evaluation is defined as a process to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of a project or service. It involves a systematic process of gathering and analysing information/data to determine if the project has achieved the effect and impact that it set out to achieve, after the implementation of the activities/interventions.

What is the remit and scope?

The R&E Team can provide support and guidance in the following areas:

  • Support and guidance to consider your research/evaluation needs are being met by commissioning an external partner. We can help you to:
    • Develop research/evaluation aims and objectives for a project/programme.
    • Scope and write a brief for a research/evaluation project/programme.
    • Understand the evidence base by putting a request to our Evidence Request Service.
    • Develop Theory of Change.
    • Commission and manage a research/evaluation project/programme.
    • Consider the key stages and activities in costing a research/evaluation project.
    • Access a list of providers of external researchers/evaluators.
    • Draft an invitation to tender.
    • Selection of research/evaluation partners.
    • Assess the quality of research/evaluation partnerships.
    • Assess suitability of research/evaluation collaborations with external partners.
  •  Research ethics.
  • Research governance.
  • Research methodology.
  • Research/evaluation tools such as consent forms and information sheets.
  • Notifications and applications to the Barnardo’s Research Ethics Committee.
  • Maintaining good research/evaluation practices.
  • Outcomes frameworks.
  • Outcomes measurement.
  • Outcomes tools. 
  • Writing evidence summaries/literature reviews.
  • Barnardo’s Outcomes Framework.
  • Survey design. 
  • Question design for data collection.
  • Data collection (face-to-face and virtual).
  • Research administration.

Our S&G does not currently extend to the delivery of research or evaluation, data collection, data analysis, report writing and/or signing off reports.

We do not provide S&G on Voice & Influence activities like Consultations, Co-design and Co-production. Find more information about V&I.

How does the Research and Evaluation Team offer research and evaluation support and guidance? 

R&E support and guidance will be delivered in the following ways:

‘Off the shelf’ support and guidance resources

  • Support and guidance documents. For example, good practice guides, step by step guides and ‘what good looks like’ guides.
  • Signposting to support and guidance resources, both internal and external to Barnardo’s.
  • Templates and toolkits.
  • Pre-recorded training/videos.
  • Calendar of significant dates/events.

Tailored support

  • Monthly researchers’ network meeting.
  • Bespoke face-to-face support and guidance via a 1 to 1 meeting. This is dependent on capacity.
  • Online training sessions relating to R&E.
  • Workshops on specific topics.

R&E team does not provide the following: 

  • Review/comment/sign off research and evaluation reports.
  • Collect, process and analyse data.
  • Manage research/evaluation contracts.
  • Development of bespoke research/evaluation frameworks.
  • Steering, oversight, task or finish group meeting membership.  

Please contact the R&E team at



The process of evaluating research results using statistical or other procedures to make sense of the information collected during a research study/project.


Where service providers and CYP work together to design projects, products and service design.


CYP are asked for their views at specific points during a project or service journey, which are taken into account and given due weight when decisions are made that affect them.


CYP work with service providers to design and implement projects, products and services.


A process to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of a project or service. It involves a systematic process (using a recognised and explicitly described evaluation methodology) of gathering and analysing information/data to determine if the project have achieved the effect that it set out to achieve, after the implementation of the activities/interventions.


A systematic process (using a recognised and explicitly described research methodology to identify, select, and answer a predesigned research question/s) of gathering and analysing information/data (using statistical or other standardised procedures) to discover new knowledge and extend existing knowledge.


In this context systematic is defined as the use of recognised and explicitly described research methodology to identify, select, and answer a predesigned research question/s. This will happen under specified, and, where possible, controlled conditions that can be measured and evaluated. 

Voice and influence

A collective term we use to describe the different ways we support, listen to and act on the views and lived experiences of CYP. V&I include representation, participation, co-production, consultation, co-design and child and young person-led activities. Research and voice and influence are different – but they are not mutually exclusive. Consultations, co-design and co-production on its own do not need an application to BREC, but it would need one at the point at which its activities turn into/leads on to research or evaluation. Please refer to the V&I Strategy for more information (currently under review).