I am a Professional

Strengthening the quality of our practice

We work with colleagues across all our children’s services to develop and strengthen voice and influence practice ‘on the ground’ - where they work directly with children and young people. 

We work closely with colleagues through regional and national forums and networks to develop ways of connecting with each other to share ideas, thoughts and support around voice and influence practice.  

If you are interested in joining these forums and networks or would like more information about how we can support you (and others in your team) to develop your voice and influence practice, get in touch! 



Developing and facilitating opportunities for young people

We support, facilitate and embed the voice and influence of young people (in particular) in our non-children's services departments – including policy and public affairs, marketing and communications, fundraising, and our charity governance. 

One of the ways we do this is supporting a UK network of young people wanting to get more involved in different opportunities across the charity. This network is called B-Amplified. 

We work closely with colleagues who aren’t children’s services practitioners to create and facilitate meaningful opportunities for young people to really influence and shape their work. 

If you are working with a young person that would like to get involved with B-amplified, contact:  


Or you can sign up on the B-Amplified page

Delivering national programmes with and for partner agencies

We develop and facilitate opportunities for children and young people to influence decision making through national commissioned programmes and services. 

We have a particular focus on how children and young people can meaningfully influence decision making across our Health work, working closely across health and VCSE organisations to develop and strengthen voice and influence practice and opportunities for young people.  

Two 'flagship’ programmes we’re currently delivering are the Co-Op Youth Advisory Group and the NHS England Youth Forum. 


