Menopause policy

Menopause policy and toolkit

Is this for you? 

This policy applies to all Barnardo's colleagues.

Key points

  • This policy sets out our approach to supporting colleagues experiencing menopausal symptoms. 
  • We understand that everyones experience of the menopause and their symptoms are different.
  • We recognise that if a colleague experiences serious symptoms they could be classed as having a disability.
  • Colleagues are encouraged to inform their line manager that they are experiencing menopausal symptoms at an early stage. This will help determine the most appropriate course of action to support a colleague's individual needs.
  • The Policy, and accompanying toolkit, set out different adjustments that can be considered to support colleagues at work, such as flexible working.

Your Responsibilities

  • Employees should take personal responsibility for looking after their health; be willing to help and support their colleagues experiencing menopausal symptoms; and understand any necessary adjustments their colleagues are receiving as a result of their menopausal symptoms.
  • Line managers should familiarise themselves with the Policy and the Menopause Toolkit; be ready and willing to have open, sensitive and professional discussions about menopause; and record and adhere to any agreed adjustments and actions.
  • Local People Teams should advise and guide managers on the Policy and the Toolkit; where required, support with occupational health referrals; and where available, support any local awareness raising or training initiatives.

1 August 2018
Latest update
3 May 2024
  1. New policy set live
  2. New policy set live
  3. New policy set live
  4. New policy set live