Group of three young people sitting on outdoor stairs, their friendship gives them happiness and stability

New starters

All you need to know about getting started at Barnardo’s

Welcome to Barnardo’s! 

We’re thrilled to welcome you to the team and have you on board. 

We know it can be a little overwhelming when you start a new role, especially at a large charity like ours. But we’re here to help! On this page you’ll find everything you need to know to help you get started and settled in. If you have any questions or need support, please talk to your line manager in the first instance.

Colleagues smiling holding 'baranrdo's banners

Welcome to Barnardo's

Book your place on our Welcome sessions to learn more about the charity and meet other new starters.

Woman working on a computer and taking notes

Mandatory training

There's five different training courses you need to complete when you start at Barnardo's. 

Person working on a laptop

Setting up your IT

Need some help setting up your laptop and accessing our systems?

Barnardo's male staff member talking to a young person and smiling

Colleague Handbook

Everything you need to know about Barnardo's throughout your career with us.


Our People and Culture

Our people are our most important asset. Find out how we're supporting colleagues to make Barnardo's the best place to work.

people policy

Our policies

Vital information, policies and procedures to support you in your first few weeks at Barnardo's.