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Equality, diversity and inclusion

Equality, diversity and inclusion are central to everything we do at Barnardo’s for our colleagues, volunteers and the children, young people and families we support. This stems from our core belief in the unique worth of every individual, and is a central pillar of our People and Culture Strategy.

We must ensure Barnardo's is a charity that celebrates difference, prioritises diversity, and is a place where everyone can thrive. Our EDI Action Plan outlines our principles and how we plan to marble these through everything we do as a charity

What we're working on 

Since 2015, Equality, diversity and inclusion has been one of the key ‘enablers’ of our Strategy, and although we have made important progress, we know this must remain a central focus.

In July 2022, we launched our EDI Action Plan and committed to curating a culture we can be proud of. One where all colleagues, volunteers and children and young people feel safe, respected, included and represented. 

Two of our key projects this year are the review of our four networks and our review and refresh of our anti-racism commitments, which you can read more about below. 

Get involved in EDI

There's a variety of ways you can learn more about the work of the EDI team and networks and also what you can do to get involved in EDI

Inclusive Barnardo's

We have a dedicated Inclusive Barnardo's Workplace page where we share resources, launch new initiatives, raise awareness of EDI campaigns, promote EDI awareness days and faith celebrations and provide details of upcoming events. 

We'll continue to update our Inside Barnardo's pages with new content and keep you up-to-date with our key projects.

EDI training 

New starters at Barnardo's are also asked to complete a mandatory EDI course which will introduce you to EDI and what it means to the charity. 

And if you want to get in touch with us, you can email us at

Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)

An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) is a tool that enables us to think about how different people may be affected by the decisions and changes we make. It helps us marble Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) through everything we do. 


EDI Mandatory Training

Everyone needs to complete the equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) b-Learning course within two weeks of joining Barnardo’s. Click to access the online and offline EDI training course and test.

EDI Networks

Our EDI networks play an important role in providing a safe space for our colleagues with protected characteristics as well as providing support and challenge on our EDI ambitions.

We have a number of policies to ensure our colleagues, volunteers and children and young people can raise concerns and issues safely: