image of policy papers

Resolution Policy

Our new approach to seeking to resolve colleague concerns and challenges before formal escalation.

What do we mean by Resolution?

Resolution is fundamentally about understanding and seeking harmonious solutions to enable a positive outcome for all colleagues, where issues or concerns are identified.

This policy covers work related concerns, disputes, problems and conduct matters. 

It provides a framework for resolving concerns, aiming to reach early agreement and resolution, where possible. It is essential to resolution that we are all accountable to maintaining and continuously improving working relationships.

Please note that any concerns about organisational wrongdoing or malpractice which are in the public interest, should be submitted through our Whistleblowing Policy

Is this for you?

This policy and procedure is for all Barnardo's paid colleagues, including as-and-when workers, and also for line managers who need to support individuals raising issues and concerns, when needed.

This policy does not apply to Barnardo's volunteers. Please refer to our dedicated Volunteer pages for guidance.

For any disciplinary, grievance or prevention of harassment matter raised or being managed prior to 1 August 2023, please contact your People team to obtain any policy, procedure or guidance documents where required.

Key points

  • There are two types of concerns that this policy can support through resolution: 
    • Issues - previously known as grievances, or matters of bullying, and harassment. These need to be raised within three months where possible. 
    • Conduct - previously known as disciplinary matters. 
  • Where possible, issues should be resolved by the individuals involved, or with the support of their manager through early and informal conversation. Please see stages 1 and 2 of the process map below.
  • If there is no mutual agreement or a supported conversation is unsuccessful, then the issue(s) would be progressed through the formal stages of this policy. Please see stage 3 of the process map below.
  • Any reported breaches of our Safeguarding policies, Safeguarding Code of Conduct and / or professional boundaries will be dealt with via the Formal Stage of the Resolution Procedure. Contact Richard Simpson, Head of Corporate Safeguarding & Quality, for specialist advice.

You can download the full policy, procedure, FAQs, process map documents and accompaniment guidance at the bottom of this page. 

Your responsibilities

  • As a colleague, you're responsible for: trying to resolve issues at the earliest stages using this policy and procedure and requesting support from your line manage or People team where necessary.
  • As a line manager, you're responsible for: trying to resolve issues and conduct concerns at the earliest stages. Where this is not possible or appropriate, you are responsible for impartially investigating concerns where necessary, ensuring that colleagues involved are treated fairly and respectfully.
  • You can contact the People team for further guidance on how to implement this policy and relevant stages of the procedure. 

Process Map for Resolution Policy

To support you raising an issue and / or dealing with a conduct concern, we have produced a visual process map that provides an overview of each key stage of the procedure. Please view more details of each stage below or download the full process map.

image of Resolution policy stage 1 process map

Stage 1: Early Resolution

This is mainly self-led by a colleague however, their line manager can assist if requested to do so.

Information boxes (listed in order of display):

  • Examples of gross misconduct include and are not limited to: discrimination, fraud, hate crime and safeguarding. These are not suitable matters that can be dealt with during the early and informal stages of this policy and need to be resolved via Stage 3: Formal Resolution. 
  • The procedure will divide concerns into the two strands below:
    • Issues: includes work-related disputes, bullying and harassment.
    • Concerns: of a conduct nature previously seen as disciplinary.
image of resolution policy stage 2 process map

Stage 2: Informal Resolution

This includes manager support at informal resolution meetings and requests for mediation to be organised by the People team.

image of resolution policy stage 3 process map

Stage 3: Formal Resolution

If the issue and/or concern has not be resolved, formal processes are implemented. 

Information boxes (listed in order of display):

  • Formal investigation and meetings will take place during this stage and colleagues will have the right to appeal. 
  • If alleged gross misconduct is identified, the manager will complete the suspension checklist which is available from the People team.

Definition of key words

  • Issue - a problem or concern that a colleague has about their work, working conditions or relationships with colleagues that directly affects their employment including bullying and harassment.
  • Conduct - refers to standards or rules of behaviour.
  • Mediation - a voluntary process which may be used at any stage during the informal and/or formal procedure. It involves identifying a trained and impartial third party, who will aim to help two individuals or groups facilitate a resolution to a problem that is causing conflict.
  • Misconduct - this occurs when a colleague breaks specific rules about behaviour or their conduct falls below the standard required. For example, persistent bad timekeeping, unauthorised absence and minor breaches of policies.
  • ​​​​Supported Conversations - these are aimed at helping prevent workplace issues escalating to a more formal process by engaging in supported, productive dialogue with the aim to establish construction and lasting solutions.
20 July 2023
Latest update
5 October 2023
  1. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  2. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  3. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  4. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  5. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  6. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  7. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  8. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  9. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  10. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  11. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  12. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  13. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  14. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  15. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  16. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  17. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  18. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues
  19. New Resolution Policy for all Barnardo's colleagues